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Clicks for iPhone: A Revolutionary Keyboard Accessory Brings Real Buttons Back!


(clicks for iphone) In a world dominated by touchscreen keyboards, a groundbreaking accessory is making waves by reintroducing the tactile sensation of real buttons to iPhones. Michael Techiegyaan, co-founder and enthusiast, unveils the Clicks for iPhone, a keyboard accessory designed to enhance typing experiences on Apple’s iconic device. Let’s delve into the details of this innovative accessory that seeks to blend the best of the past with the conveniences of the present.

The Journey Back to Physical Keyboards:

Techiegyaan begins by reflecting on the evolution of smartphone keyboards, quoting Steve Jobs’ foresight from 17 years ago. While acknowledging the shift towards virtual keyboards, Techiegyaan hints at the nostalgia for the tangible feel of physical buttons. He introduces Clicks as the accessory that aims to bring back the joy of real buttons to iPhone users.

Clicks Unveiled: Features and Design:

As a co-founder of Clicks, Techiegyaan is candid about his personal involvement, showcasing the accessory’s design and features. Clicks is described as a keyboard accessory housed within a unibody silicone case, seamlessly connecting to the iPhone’s lightning or USB port. Notably, Clicks is powered by the iPhone itself, eliminating the need for a Bluetooth link or an onboard battery.

The accessory boasts a unique backside with a vegan leather grip plate for added comfort. The front features 36 polycarbonate buttons, meticulously designed and arranged for the perfect click. Techiegyaan highlights the inclusion of a built-in backlight for night typing and a pass-through port for charging without removing the case.

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Balancing Tradition with Modern Functionality:

Techiegyaan explains (iphone keyboard) the challenge of designing a mobile keyboard in 2024, balancing the ergonomic excellence of older physical keyboards with the demands of modern smartphones. The Clicks team engaged designers from iconic devices like the BlackBerry Bold to ensure a seamless blend of tradition and innovation. The layout mirrors the iPhone’s virtual keyboard, optimizing familiarity and comfort.

Three Big Reasons to Choose Clicks:

Techiegyaan emphasizes three key reasons behind Clicks’ appeal: space, shortcuts, and sensation. Physical keyboards, he argues, provide users with valuable screen space, enabling efficient multitasking. Clicks incorporates Apple’s built-in shortcuts, enhancing productivity. Techiegyaan also delves into the intangible satisfaction of typing on physical keys, a sensation that surpasses the tap or swipe experience on glass screens.

Drawbacks and Future Plans:

In the spirit of transparency, Techiegyaan acknowledges a few drawbacks, including increased device size and a learning curve for users. However, he assures viewers that the Clicks team has worked hard to strike the right balance and address these concerns.

Looking ahead, Techiegyaan discusses the plan to expand regional language options, addressing limitations present at launch. Additionally, he hints at Clicks potentially extending its compatibility to Android devices in the future, expressing the company’s ambitious vision.

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Pricing and Availability:

The Clicks (clicks iphone keyboard) for iPhone is available for order at $139, with shipping starting on February 1st. Techiegyaan reveals plans for regular drops of various color trims, and early buyers can enjoy perks like an individually numbered Founders Edition unit, VIP support membership, and exclusive access to the Clicks Discord channel.


In a heartfelt conclusion, Techiegyaan expresses gratitude to the dedicated Clicks team, acknowledging their hard work in bringing this innovative accessory to fruition. He anticipates feedback from users who decide to try out Clicks and invites them to share in the experience of reclaiming the positive aspects of physical keyboards.


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